You can apply for IAPSC membership in one of three categories:
Active Member
A person who is a practicing security consultant. This is a consultant whose primary earned income for a period at least one year (immediately preceding the submission of the application) has been derived from providing security advice, information, and recommendations to clients. Members must meet all the requirements for membership as defined here. Active members may vote and serve on the Board of Directors and as an Association Officer.
Associate Member
A person who meets all the criteria for membership except that he or she has less than two year’s experience or does not derive primarily earned income from providing security advice, information, and recommendations to clients. Associate members may vote and serve on the Board of Directors, but may not be an Association Officer.
Internal Consultant Member
A person in a security management position employed by an organization that does not market security services. The Internal Consultant member should be that organization’s Security Director, executive or otherwise in a management position where he or she regularly provides security advice and recommendations to his or her organization. Internal Consultant members may become Officers of the Association, vote and serve on its Board of Directors and Standing or Special Committees.
All members must also meet the qualifications for membership as defined here.
Annual Dues
- $445 per year
- The membership year runs from January 1 through December 31 each year.
- Annual Dues may be pro-rated for the first year of membership, depending on the date of application acceptance.
Application Fee
- A one-time, non-refundable processing fee of $200 applies to new applicants.