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The Directors of the Association of Security Consultants are pleased to invite you to join us at CONSEC 2020 Online.
October 8, 2020 | 10:00 London (UK)
Countering The Diverse Security & Reilience Threasts Emanating From Covid-19 Panedmic
The sudden and unpredicted Coronavirus COVID-19 global pandemic in early 2020 is having major impacts on existing complex domestic and international security threats. As countries in Europe, including the United Kingdom, face the real prospect of subsequent waves of infection, those in the Americas, Africa and other parts of the world are still suffering from a rapidly escalating first phase of infection.
Public sector finances have come under immense pressure as the priorities for the services they provide have adapted to contain and reduce the serious public health threat. This situation is exacerbated by rapidly shrinking private sector economies. Consequently, working practices have changed, there is looming threat of mass unemployment and existing community tensions are surfacing and being fueled through both information and disinformation. The unique personal, professional and community lifestyle changes brought about by the pandemic add to the complexity of public responsibility and behavior and to work-life balance and, as such, present enhanced opportunities for pandemic-inspired and facilitated crime.
Those organizations and individuals which are intent on terrorist and extremist activities are ready and able to fill any available void in governance at both domestic and international level. Complex international rivalries by aggressive and rogue States are equally ready and capable of conducting activity intended to fuel discontent and exploit such vulnerabilities through disinformation and other malicious clandestine activities.