Evidence-Based Security Practices
The goal of the International Association of Professional Security Consultants EBSP is to develop summaries of existing research on specific topics of interest to IAPSC members and other security professionals across the security industry. The long-term goals of the EBSP Committee are to:
- Help IAPSC Members differentiate themselves from other consultants who do support their recommendations with evidence-based security research.
- To influence the security industry to utilize a research-based approach to protecting assets, people, and processes.
- To influence other associations and regulatory organizations to rely on IAPSC EBSP products to standardize approaches to protecting assets, people, and processes.
The Effectiveness of School Security Measures on School Shooting Incidents - Katherine L. Perez - EBSP-24-01
Risky Behaviors and Violent Victimization - Christine Army and Karim H. Vellani - EBSP-23-01
Weapon Detection in Public Access Facilities - Cesar Leonardo Pinzon-Gomez, M.D., MPH, EBSP - 23 - 02